Guess the Hex

Data Colection

This simple JSON file contains all Guess the Hex presented colors paired with the accuracy of the user's guess. The true guess a user has made is not implemented into this data, nor does the server store this information. For reasons regarding the privacy of our users, all data is not attributed to any specific user, and there is no order to these entries.

In case you are interested in understanding how HEX color codes are classified under the ten color groups, the following are the rules that have been defined to discern HEX color codes. Be wary that there may be an overlap between colors, meaning color guesses may be registered multiple times, under different color groups. Inversely, out of 100,000 random HEX color code samples, none were attributed no color group. I am aware that this could have been answered confidently by plotting finding any gaps between two color groups, but the method of brute force was programmatically faster.

